Forchtenstein Castle Arsenal Display Revamped


Florian Bayer, department head of collections for the foundation, said the space where the arsenal is on display had been renovated and the objects reorganised.
Among the new objects on display for the first time is a flag bearing the crown of Saint István with the inscription ?Regni Hungariae 1618?. The flag was flown by Miklós Esterházy (1583-1645) at the coronation of Ferdinand II in 1618.
Another curiosity is a tent pillaged during the Seven Years? War by a regiment of hussars in the service of Maria Theresa.
The Esterházy Foundation calls the arsenal ?one of the largest private weapon collections in Europe? and testimony to the ?military tradition and endeavours of the Esterházy family as loyal allies of the Habsburgs?.
Visitors to the arsenal can see muskets, cuirasses, morion helmets, pikes, halberds, case-shot, hand grenade containers and canon balls, canons and crossbows.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)