Former Cseh Collaborator Finds New Partners


Bereményi plans a performance of the new work, with music by the 20-year-old Dániel Dobri and featuring the 30-year-old actor Péter Nagy, under the title Hideg van. (It?s Cold.).
?We?ll be all ready by the end of January, then we?ll start on a tour of Hungary with the performance,? Bereményi said. The performance ?is about the present age, where we?re at now?, he added.
The lyricist said the songs were about the two most important topics: politics and love.
The musicians performed Hideg van. before an audience already last summer, at a cultural event in Zalavölgy.
Bereményi said he had known the guitarist and songwriter Dobri since he was an adolescent. He knew Nagy as a talented actor and singer from the stage and film.
Beremményi performed songs he wrote with Cseh with the two musicians at a show in Berlin before the holidays on the invitation of the Collegium Hungaricum Berlin. Some of the songs were sung in German, translated by Attila Ducsay.
Bereményi wants to make a recording of the songs in German translation for a market where the type of song enjoys wide popularity.
The Collegium Hungarian Berlin plans to bring Dobri and Nagy to the Leipzig Book Fair to perform Cseh?s songs.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)