Foundation Promises New Munkácsy Monograph


Imre Pákh

The whereabouts of less than half of the more than 650 works by Munkácsy are known, said Pákh, who regularly lends work by Munkácsy from his own large collection of the artist?s paintings.

Pákh?s collection formed a big part of the Hungarian National Gallery?s Munkácsy retrospective in 2005, and Pákh?s one-third of the painter?s Trilogy is being shown in Pécs as part of the city?s 2010 European Capital of Culture programme.
Next year, two works only known in Hungary through reproductions, will come to Budapest from the United States: Munkacsy?s Depiction of Milton and The Death of Mozart, said the foundation?s managing director György Nanovfszky.
In addition to organising exhibitions, the foundation plans to raise Munkácsy?s profile by supporting the creation of an opera, ballet or film about the artist?s life. It is also establishing a Prize of Excellence to acknowledge young talent.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI