France Culture Airs Programme on Hungarian Folk Music


The programme, titled "Hungarian Harmonies", included interviews with László Kelemen, a musician and collector of folk music who heads Budapest?s Heritage House, and Eszter Lévay of the Fonó Buda Music House, one of Hungary?s main venues for folk music and dance. Both talked about the role of traditional folk music in Hungary?s music culture today.

Robert Lacombe, former deputy director of Budapest's French Institute and in charge of French programmes at the Sziget Festival, a big music and cultural event, was invited on the programme to speak about his book Budapest en mouvement (Budapest in Movement). The book, published two years ago, offers a portrait of Hungary?s capital in interviews with 16 Hungarian important public personalities.

Music researcher Jean-Francois Boukobza, author of the book Bartók et le folklore imaginaire (Bartók and the Imaginary Folklore) described the Eastern European folklore traditions which influenced the great Hungarian composer's work.