French Periodical Praises Translation of Lukács Journals


In a review of the journals, published by Rivage, Marianne calls Lukács (1885-1971) the ?last Romantic Marxist? and notes that the book?s publication is an ?event? considering how few of Lukács?s works are available in French.

The diaries tell the story of Lukács's stormy love affair with painter Irma Seidler and offer a picture of a romantic and passionate young artist which is entirely the opposite of the usual view of Lukács as a cool and committed intellectual. The book is a collection of ?feverish notes relentlessly recorded by a talented essayist on a quest for truth and for love,? Marianne writes.

The journals are translated by Ákos Ditróy and include a foreword by Nicolas Tertulian, who recently conducted a seminar on Lukács's work at Paris?s prestigious EHESS sociological institute.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)