French Press Praise Magda Szabó Translations


Magda Szabó

Daily Le Figaro called Bygone Well "childhood memories with a universal dedication". Agnes Severin wrote that Szabó shows a child's sensitivity while paying almost manic attention to detail. She noted that Szabó's parents, who taught their daughter a love of reading from the beginning, may have had much to do with Szabó's career path.

Magazine Littéraire says Bygone Well shows a portrait of the artist taking shape and exposes its readers to the joy of creation. The literary journal calls The Moment a book of "unbelievable richness" in which different epic poetry and mythology are mixed with the elements of the novel.
Szabó's books were quite popular in France in the 1970s, but they generated renewed interest after Szabó won the French Femina Award for The Door in 2003.
Viviane Hamy of Paris, which published Bygone Well and The Moment, has also recently put out Szabó's After Katalin Street, Pilate and The Fawn.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)
Photo: MTI     
Read the review in Le Figaro and Magazine Litteraire