Gallery Auctions Work for Paralympic Athletes


The 120cm X 120 cm wooden board is divided into 24 identical rectangular spaces for each artist. The work will be sold at an auction at the MissionArt Gallery on May 29. All proceeds from the sale will go to the Hungarian Paralympic Committee.

The artists who contributed to the piece are Imre Bak, Csaba Balogh, Imre Bukta, Lajos Csontó, István efZámbó, László feLugossy, Péter Földi, József Gaál, Helén Sára Horvát, Károly Klimó, Tamás Kopasz, Endre Koronczi, Tamás Kótai, Sándor Pinczehelyi, Sándor Rácmolnár, Péter Stefanovits, Róbert Swierkiewicz, Árpád Szabados, Kamilla Szíj, János Szirtes, József Szurcsik, Ági Verebics, Katalin Verebics and András Wahorn.  
The project is not without precedent in Hungary. An exhibition entitled The First Plastic Rabbit Exhibition, which took place in Miskolc in 1991, was born out of a similar initiative.
Photo: MissionArt Gallery