Gallery Organises Show of Expatriate Artists


The show?s organisers are in search of many answers. Can Hungarian artists who work outside of Hungary and whose work is unconnected to Hungary be part of Hungary?s art history, or even sold as Hungarian art? Can the internal barriers which build up after years of living in a foreign country be breached? Can the life works of artists with Hungarian roots producing in France, Germany or the Netherlands be integrated in Hungarian art, or is this out of the question? Fortunately, this is not a question for the Abigail Gallery.

Even among art historians, unknown or undiscovered artists have come into the forefront. (Of special interest in this area is Júlia Cserba?s book Hungarian Visual Artists in France 1903?2005.) The five-year-old Abigail gallery aims with the show ?Nor Are They Prophets In Their Own Land?? to present the works of some key Hungarian who have been or are expatriates. The show includes the works of sixteen Hungarian artists who have worked abroad for various periods of time. These artists left Hungary for different reasons: some because of war, some because of adventure and a craving for knowledge. But it is precisely this start on their own paths which gave the artists featured in the show such stylistic and thematic variety.

Artists featured in the show include Sándor Tóth A. (Rimaszombat, 1904 - Zalaegerszeg, 1980), István Beöthy (Heves, 1897 - Paris, 1961), Ákos Bíró (Nagykároly, 1911 - Mougins, 2002), Antal Bíró (Posnan, 1907 - Székesfehérvár, 1990), László Boris (Budapest, 1897 - Mentone, 1924), György Csató (Budapest, 1910 - Paris, 1983), Tibor Csernus (Kondoros, 1927), Dénes Holesch (Besztercebánya, 1910 - Budapest, 1983), Vilmos Huszár (Budapest, 1884 - Hierden, 1960), Sipos Szilárd Izsák (1977), Zsigmond Kolozsváry (Bánffyhunyad, 1899 - La Chaux-de Fonds, 1983), Tamás Konok (Budapest, 1930), Sipos Kósza László (Budapest, 1943 - Empelde, 1989), Alfréd Réth (Budapest, 1884 - Paris, 1966), Endre Rozsda (Mohács, 1913 - Paris, 1999), Klára Szilárd (Budapest, 1921), Géza Szóbel (Komárom, 1905 - Párizs, 1963) and Lívia Vajda (Nyíregyháza, 1929).

The show runs from July 19 to August 12, 2006 at the Abigail Gallery, Váci utca 19-21, in Budapest?s District V.
