Gallery Shows Artist's Berlin Impressions


Berlin has become one of the capitals on the cultural map of Europe and, indeed, the world. Thanks to the city's geographical position and its history, it has become a gate between East and West, not only for people, but for culture. It is no surprise that almost two decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the city still draws artists who wish to experience its possibilities.


Barabás spent two months in Berlin-Mitte, the German capital's central borough, last year. During the visit, she produced a number of works that are far more unified and clear than many earlier works. Also, Barabás's usual scope of colour and forms creates a more complex harmony.

In addition to the paintings made in Berlin, the Mono Gallery is showing works Barabás made after her visit to the German capital. Among them are oil pastels on paper and oil on canvas.
A folio of Barabás's Berlin works will be launched at the opening of the exhibition. It contains 50 colour plates and comments by László F. Földényi.
Music at the exhibition opening will be provided by Lőrinc Barabás and DJ Suhaid.
The exhibition runs from May 22 until the end of June.