Gallery Shows Heinz Cibulka, Magdalena Frey


Heinz Cibulka's work

The images are as much a product of Herman Nitsch and Viennese Actionism, which uses the human body as a kind of canvas, as they are of Freud and free association. The exhibition is not for the superficial gallery-goer. The Budapest Gallery owners have even covered the windows facing the street to block the view of passer-bys from Frey's montages of female genitalia from which come life, movement, beauty and stories. Another of the artist's works shows her giving birth, precisely documented in a series of photographs.

Cibulka is more free with his camera, taking photographs of everything and putting them together only later. The end product is like visual free verse, the different elements of each work balancing the others an creating an energy that is greater than the sum of their parts, more than just an image of a street scene, a woman's body or a village on the Great Plain.

Magdalena Frey's work
One of the series in the exhibition deals with Hungarian and Austrian motifs. Other works clearly show the influence of Nitsch's bloody rituals. All of them are about the desire to create.
Author: Eszter Götz