Gallery Shows New Generation of Dutch photographers


The PAGES exhibition shows photography in a broader scope and suggests a paradigm shift from its traditional role as a tool to document, to advertise or to make beautiful. On the walls of the gallery and on two long tables are fifty photographic publications - books, magazines and even video work - from the past five years for visitors to page through. Not one could be called a "pretty picture album". The images are not sensational and they don't capture an ideal moment, rather most show a moment anytime, a place anywhere, a person, anybody. None of the volumes or magazines is printed on gloss paper. Many are printed on recycled paper. There are no logos and no trendy typography. The text is minimal or absent entirely.

Many of the volumes remind one of a private photographic log, rather than something for public display. They are intimate and show a visual honesty that is hardly to be seen in today's media saturated society.
At the same time as PAGES shows at the Dorottya Gallery, the Lumen Gallery will show Family Tree, an album of photographs by Ringa Goslinga, whose work is featured in PAGES.
Author: Eszter Götz