German Theatre of Hungary to Start Season with Kleist



Kleist's comedy will be staged by director of the Landestheater in Linz, Verena Koch. One of the female roles will be played by a guest actress, Doris Buchrucker and the judge will be played by a new company member, Gregor von Holdt, from Berlin. 

Rike Reiniger's play The Department of Found Objects will premiere on September 21. Directed by Ernő András Tóth, the piece shows how a monolingual German speaker and a monolingual Hungarian speaker find a common means of communication.
Gábor Görgey's absurd piece Jumping the Gun, adapted for the stage by Florin Gabriel Ionescu from Timisoara, Romania, will be first shown on December 8.
In the spring, the theatre will perform the world premiere of Wallenberg, or the Endgame in Lubyanka, Ernst Pichler's play about the Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Jews from death during the Holocaust. The play, published in Hungarian in 2008, will be directed by Jenny Nörbeck from Sweden.
Szekszárd's theatre festival, to take place between May 23 and 29, will be part of the Pécs2010 European Capital of Culture programme. Several theatre troupes performing Hungarian plays have been invited, including ones from Vienna, Linz, Beutzen, Sibiu and Bolzano.
Source: Hungarian News Agency