German, Turkish Films Show on Pécs2010 Programme


 Vilmos Zsolnay

The city will host a Turkish film festival and a German festival - a nod to Istanbul and Essen. The Turkish film festival will be hosted by the city's Apollo and Urania cinemas on May 13-20.

The 2nd CinePécs - International Film Festival of Pécs, will take place on October 4-10. The week-long event is a continuation of Moveast, a festival that focussed on first-time directors from Southeast Europe. The CinePécs programme has been expanded to show films from Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Austria, Bosnia, Ukraine, Turkey, Greece and Romania.
In March, the city will host the premiere of a Hungarian feature film about the life of Vilmos Zsolnay, who established Pécs's famous Zsolnay Porcelain Factory. The film, called The Lover of Earth, was directed by Zsolt Pozsgay and stars Ázon Őre.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: