Gödör Klub Plans Literary Weekend


On Friday, June 9, at 19:00, the venue will host a forum entitled ?Music and Literature-writing Music-playing Writers? featuring Orsolya Karafiáth, Ági Bárdos Deák, Jenő Menyhárt, Péter Müller Sziámi, Gergely Nagy and Zoltán Pós. At 21:00, there will be an ?Ági50? concert by Hungary?s famous underground band Kontroll, featuring front woman Ági Bárdos Deák. The time trip will continue afterward with a concert by Balaton.

On the following day, the Gödör Klub will host a talk by children?s authors Dániel Varró, Endre Kukorelly, Gergely Péterfy, Balázs Zágoni and Otto Kiss. Bea Palya and Szabolcs Róka will provide music for the event. In the afternoon, there will be a talk on the connection between history and literature, featuring Zsófia Lóránd, András Papp, György Spíró and György Szerbhorváth, a dance performance by Nina Umniakov and readings by Krisztina Tóth, Szabolcs Benedek, Ákos Szilágyi, István Kemény, Tamás Turányi and Zsolt Láng. On Saturday evening, the band Korai Öröm will play numbers from their new album as well as older hits. After the concert, DJ Mr. Optik will accompany the untiring who still wish to dance or those who simply want to converse about the events of book week.

The programme:

Friday, June 9

Music and Literature: Writer-musicians ? musician-writers?
A talk with Ági Bárdos Deák, Orsolya Karafiáth, Jenő Menyhárt, Péter Müller Sziámi, Gergely Nagy and Zoltán Poós, moderated by Polett Dus.

Concert: Kontroll ? Ági 50

Concert: Balaton

Saturday, June 10

Children?s Book Author?s talk with Ottó Kiss, Endre Kukorelly, Gergely Péterfy, Dániel Varró and Balázs Zágoni. Song by Bea Palya and music by Szabolcs Róka.

The Literature of History? A talk with Zsófia Lóránd, András Papp, György Spiró and György Szerbhorváth, moderated by Tamás Scheibner.

Dance performance by Nina Umniakov.

Writers of Book Week books read: featuring Szabolcs Benedek, István Kemény, Zsolt Láng, Ákos Szilágyi, Krisztina Tóth and Tamás Turányi.

Concert: Korai Öröm

Party until dawn: DJ: Mr. Optik

The event is supported by the Ministry of Culture and the Hungarian Association of Writers and Publishers (MASZRE)

For more information, visit the event?s homepage at www.jozsefattilakor.hu