Goethe Institute Shows Best New German Films


The festival will open with Almanya - Willkommen in Deutschland, a comedy about a man who arrived in Germany as one of a million Turkish guest workers in the 1960s directed by Yasemin Samdereli.
Two films will pay tribute to the actor Bruno Ganz on his 70th birthday: Wings of Desire and The Big Tomcat.
The Programme:
Thursday, September 22
Művész Cinema: 
19:30 Almanya - Willkommen in Deutschland 
+ Talk with actress Demet Gül 

Örökmozgó Kino: 
18:30 Close To You (Ganz nah bei dir) 
20:30 Run If You Can (Renn, wenn du kannst)

Friday, September 23
Művész Cinema: 
19:15 The Silence (Das letzte Schweigen) 
+ Talk with director Baran Bo Odar

Örökmozgó Cinema: 
18:30 A Trick of Light (Die Gebrüder Skladanowsky) 
20:30 Wings of Desire (Der Himmel über Berlin)

Saturday, September 24

Művész Cinema:
19:00 Alive and Ticking (Ein Tick anders) 
20:45 The Big Tomcat (Der grosse Kater)

Örökmozgó Cinema: 
18:30 Neukölln Unlimited
20:30 I Phone You
Sunday, September 25
Művész Cinema: 
19:00 Close To You (Ganz nah bei dir) 
20:45 Run If You Can (Renn, wenn du kannst)
Örökmozgó Cinema:
18:30 The Kleist File (Die Akte Kleist) 
20:30 Mauerhase + Esterhazy
Monday, September 26
Művész Cinema: 
19:15 Goethe! 
21:15 I Phone You
Örökmozgó Cinema: 
18:30 Almanya-Willkommen in Deutschland
Tuesday, September 27
Művész Cinema:
19:30 A Trick of Light (Die Gebrüder Skladanowsky) + Esterhazy
21:00 Wings of Desire (Der Himmel über Berlin)
Örökmozgó Cinema:
18:30 Alive and Ticking (Ein Tick anders) 
20:00 Joschka und Herr Fischer
+ Talk with director Pepe Danquart
Wednesday, September 28

Örökmozgó Cinema: 
18:30 Goethe! 
20:30 The Big Tomcat (Der grosse Kater)