Government Allocates HUF 250m for Preparations for State Opera Programme


The preparations, to be made with the cooperation of the Ministry of Culture, will pave the way for a more rational structure of operation and system of financial management at the opera, while maintaining its artistic integrity. Under the programme, the opera will change the way it schedules performances, staging a single piece from its repertoire for a longer period of time, rather than running several productions simultaneously. This system of ?block programming? is intended both to better the quality of productions as well as make them more cost-efficient. The programme will concentrate the opera?s activities at the Ybl Palace, its main building in Budapest?s historical Andrássy Street, after a new rehearsal stage is built at the site. The opera?s other building, the Erkel Theatre on the Square of the Republic, will be turned into a rehearsal facility and supplementary performance venue following its renovation. The programme will also change the way opera tickets are sold as well as the opera?s image.

Block System
A block system of programming, successfully used by many opera houses around the world, allows more rehearsals before a production, thereby ensuring the highest level of artistic quality, especially when new pieces are introduced into the repertoire. The system simplifies the opera?s schedule, making it easier to oragnise tours and exchanges, and it is more cost-efficient.

Rehearsal Stage
The construction of another stage at the Ybl Palace will start this year. The stage will serve as a rehearsal space for the opera?s main productions as well as a performance space for contemporary or experimental works. HUF 125m has been allocated for preparations for the construction of the rehearsal stage.

Renovation of the Erkel Theatre
The state will soon call a tender to refurbish the Erkel Theatre in a public-private partnership (PPP). Included in the refurbishment will be the construction of rehearsal areas for ballet and orchestra. Upon completion, the private investor which carried out the refurbishment will be responsible for its operation and will also organise some of the facility?s programmes. The opera will be allowed use of the facility for 120 days a year. HUF 65m has been allocated for preparations for the renovation of the Erkel Theatre.

Ticket Sales
Tickets for the Hungarian State Opera are currently sold at a single office and through agents. The low number of points of sale makes ticket sales costly and difficult to oversee. The programme will introduce online ticket sales, which are easier to keep track of and reduce the number of unsold seats. The introduction of online ticket sales will require a revamping of the opera?s IT system and homepage to facilitate a more direct and interactive relationship ticket buyers. A new system of financial management will also be introduced at the opera: a financial manager will share control of the budget with the director of the opera, establishing a balance of financial and artistic control. HUF 30m has been allocated for preparations to introduce the new ticket sales system and a new IT system.

Professional Marketing
The proportion of state funding in the Hungarian State Opera?s budget is higher than most other opera houses around the world. In order to change this, the programme will aim to change the opera?s image, turning it into a highly-regarded ?product? in order to attract sponsors and patrons and improve its revenue-generating potential. HUF 30m has been allocated to make preparations in this area.