Gramofon Gets Face-lift For Tenth Birthday


Gramofon, founded by Margó Iványi, Ádám Bősze, Attila Retkes, and Kornél Zipernovszky, has been the uninterrupted source for information on classical music and jazz in Hungary since 1996. To mark the anniversary, the editorial board and publisher Klasszikus és Jazz Kft. have rethought the magazine?s visual design and the structure of its content. They have also added 16 extra pages to the publication. Gramofon will continue to review classical music and jazz events both in Hungary and in foreign countries, and it will keep publishing interviews with the genres? outstanding performers, composers and conductors.

The latest issue includes a preview of the line-up for Budapest Spring Festival as well as the usual offering of 90-100 reviews of recently published music CDs and DVDs.
