Guitar in Focus at 5th Mol Jazz Festival


As in previous years, the festival's organisers aim to help audiences explore new and exciting musical experiments. Performances will take place at several venues: at the Palace of Arts, on the Jazz Boat anchored in the River Danube, in the Pinceszínház theatre and in a tent on Közraktár Street.

The opening and closing events will be held at the Palace of Arts. On September 12,  Michael Schiefel, the Miklós Lukács Quintet, Richard Galliano's Tangaria Quartet, Alegre Corr?a, the Kornél Horváth Duet and the Lionel Loueke GilFeMa Trio will all perform. The evening's entertainment starts at 19:30.
On Thursday, September 13, the list of performers will include the Thärichens Tentett who present poems by Lord Byron, Thomas Hardy and R. D. Laing with musical accompaniment, and the Dutch band The Ploctones, whose music might best be compared to Back Door. Hungary will be represented by the Babos Projekt Special, the Dresch Quartet, Mojo, Nigun, Lower House with Tamás Zámbó, Trió 1, Tiszavirág and the Zsolt Bende Trio.   
On September 14, the tent in Közraktár Street will be the venue for a concert by the Norwegian band Supersilent, who merge jazz with ambient music, the Perico Sambeat Quartet and the Gábor Juhász Trió with Iain Ballamy.   
The MOL Jazz Festival's detailed programme:
September 12. (Wednesday)
19:30 MOL Jazz Festival Budapest 2007 - opening concert - Palace of Arts

September 13. (Thursday)
19:00 Thärichens Tentett (D) - Közraktár Tent
Dresch Quartet - Közraktár Tent
Babos Project Special - Közraktár Tent

22:00 Nigun - Pinceszínház Theatre
Lower House km. Zámbó Tamás - Fotocella Caféand Gallery
Trió 1 - Paris, Texas Café
Tiszavirág - Ritmus Restaurant and Café
Zsolt Bende Trió - Jaffa Café
Mojo - Hotel Ibis

23:00 The Ploctones (NL) - Európa Jazz Boat

September 14. (Friday)
19:00 Supersilent (N) - Közraktár Tent
Perico Sambeat Quartet (E) - Közraktár Tent
Gábor Juhász Trió - Iain Ballamy (UK) - Közraktár Tent

22:00 Janó Kormos and a csapdlecsabi - Pinceszínház Theatre
Balázs Neumann Quartet - Hotel Ibis
Márton Fenyvesi Trió - Fotocella Café and Gallery
Finucci Trió - Paris, Texas Café
Eichinger Quartet - Ritmus Restaurant and Café
Dániel Váczi SGB Trió - Jaffa Café

23:00 Grupa Palotai (F, H) - Európa Jazz Boat

September 15. (Saturday)
19:00 Marc Ducret Trio (F) - Közraktár Tent
Viktor Tóth Quartet (H, USA) - Közraktár Tent
Attila László Quintet - Bob Mintzer (USA) - Közraktár Tent

22:00 Csaba Czirjak Quintet - Pinceszínház Theatre
Gyula Babos and tanítványai - Hotel Ibis
New Vibe Project Duó - Jaffa Café
Smárton Trió - Ritmus Restaurant and Café
Szabolcs Oláh - Márton Soós Duet- Paris, Texas Café
Ektar - Fotocella Café and Gallery

23:00 Octurn (B, F) - Európa Jazz Boat

September 16. (Sunday)
19:30 MOL Jazz Festival Budapest 2007 - closing concert - Palace of Arts
