Győr Ballet To Open Season With Hamlet


Shakespeare?s famous tragedy has been reworked by the Swedish choreographer Marie Brolin-Tani and placed against the setting of Eastern Europe in the 1950s. After the production?s premiere in Győr, it will be performed in Budapest, at the Palace of Arts, on December 15.

Kiss said the company will also start preparing soon for the start of its 2007 season, which will open with the world premiere of Chinese-American dancer and choreographer Edward Lieng?s Gaudi, a dance tribute to the great architect?s works and thought. The libretto for the piece was written by Babett Gaudi, the Hungarian-born wife of Gaudi?s nephew. Stage designer for the production will be by Kentaur.

The company has also received several invitations to perform abroad, Kiss said. Sixteen of the company?s members will dance to music by Strauss in a series of performances in the US at the end of December and the beginning of January. Accompanied by musicians from Austria, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, the dancers will perform in the capital, as well as Maryland and Florida.

Also in January, the company will start a three-week tour of Western Europe. It will put on fourteen performances of The Phantom of the Opera, Games of Love and Carmina Burana in Germany, Austria and France.

Kiss also introduced new members of the company at the press conference, among them a ballerina from Japan and another from Italy, as well as a male dancer form Cuba and four young Hungarian dancers.