Győr Ballet to Perform 'The Rite of Spring', 'Mystical Visions' in Budapest


The latter production, called ?Mystical Visions?, explores the physical aspect of human life, expressing eternity in the language of dance while showing the necessary confrontation between our inner world and the outer world, dance web portal Táncé writes. As in a long dream, the connection between movements and space, vibrant with mystique, prompts the audience to explore their feelings while conquering time and finding true spirituality.

Choreographer Raphael Bianco based the performance on Mario Bianco's paintings and uses the music of Rachmaninoff, Ives and Reich. The dance evolves in a linear way in four images suggesting the emotions generated by dreams, bodies, death, and, finally, the universe, Táncé writes.

In ?The Rite of Spring?, choreographed by Attila Kun, eleven outstanding artists act as finely tuned musical instruments, seeking harmony with the music in themselves, in nature, and in one another. Musical notes, melodies, tendons, and ligaments swirl, leaving only one chance: the possibility of sacrifice -- salvation for human beings, and the celebration of life including the constant temptation of death. But this sacrifice makes sense because every sacrifice leads to new meaning, new energy, and new thought. This is what makes it a celebration, Táncé writes.
