György Fehér Prize Awarded for Final Stop


Final Stop traces the lives of 25 mentally handicapped people rescued from a Bosnian hospital during the war in Yugoslavia and brought to Hungary.

Tamás Buvári's short film Execution was named a finalist for the prize.

The annual prize, awarded now for the second time, recognises filmmakers or other people central to film production, who create an original piece of work worthy of the spirit of film and television director György Fehér. The prize was awarded by the ministry?s head of Audiovisual Department Balázs Zachar at a ceremony in the Ráday Street Film house on Sunday evening.

The ministry created the prize in order to support the work of the Fehér Passage Film, Theatre, and Television Workshop, an initiative which aims to establish firmer ties between theatre, television and film. György Fehér, after whom the prize is named, died in 2002 at the age of 63.

Last year, the first György Fehér Prize was awarded to Bálint Kenyeres for his 13-minute film Before Dawn, which has earned a number of other festival prizes since.