Happy Art Festival Starts in Nyíregyháza



The festival's theatre programme boasts eleven performances, said Happy Art Festival host Csaba Tasnádi, who is the director of the Móricz Zsigmond Theatre in Nyíregyháza. Seven of the productions will be staged in the main auditorium of the Móricz Zsigmond theatre, and seven productions will be seen on the Krúdy Gyula Chamber Theatre stage. The productions will be put on by troupes from Budapest, Eger, Kaposvár and Kecskemét.

Tickets for the theatre performances sold out already by the beginning of August. In light of the big demand, the festival organisers decided to stage the chamber theatre performances twice a day.
The festival's music programme promises first-class acts from around the world, among them the world famous ambassadors of the music of Cape Verde Rabasa, Mali's Toumani Diabaté together with his Symmetric Orchestra, Patriarcas de la Rumba from Spain, the Argentine Juan Carlos Caceres, Poland's Kroke, France's René Aubry, the South African Johnny Clegg and Macedonia's Kocani Erkestar. Hungarian performers include the Kerekes Band, Makám, the Budapest Klezmer Band, Romano Drom featuring Romanestham, Szájról szájra, Pál István Szalonna and Tecsői Banda.
Every evening, a film will be shown in Nyíregyháza's main Kossuth Square. Hungarian favourites Hasutasok, Lora, Buhera Mátrix, Konyec, S.O.S. Szerelem and Idegölő are all on the programme.
The festival's programme is rounded out by puppet performances, a crafts exhibition and shows by jugglers and clowns.
The festival promises altogether 430 events at 33 venues in Nyíregyháza and 27 of the surrounding towns and villages. It is expected to attract tens of thousands of visitors.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)