Haydn Festival Starts in Eisenstadt


Tzimon Barto

HaydnAkademie, conducted by Anton Gabmayer, will start the festival with performances of symphonies by Joseph Haydn and his brother Michael in the Haydn Hall of the Esterházy Palace. The overture to Michael Haydn?s Andromeda e Perseo and Joseph Haydn?s The Soul of the Philosopher will be on the programme.

Among the foreign musicians to perform is the American pianist Tzimon Barto, who will play Hadyn and Schubert, as well as the Austrian-Hungarian Haydn Orchestra.
On May 30, the Accord Quartet will provide a musical accompaniment for a guided tour through the Esterházy Palace of Fertőd, Hungary, where the Esterházy?s had their summer home. The Austrian-Hungarian Haydn Orchestra conducted by Ádám Fischer will play Haydn?s Symphony 44 ? ?Mourning?.
On the anniversary of Haydn?s death on May 31, a mass will be celebrated in the Bergkirche in Eisenstadt. The Creation will be sung by the Arnold Schoenberg Choir conducted by Erwin Ortner. The soloists will be the soprano Ursula Langmayr, the tenor Jan Petryka and the bass Günter Haumer.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)