Heads of culture institutes mull marketing strategy for Hungarian films


    Budapest, February 2 (MTI) - Andras Derdak of the Hungarian Cultural Institute in Paris said an art cinema should be set up in the French capital and more Hungarian films should be made in international co-production.
    Head of the Hungarian Cultural Centre of London Ildiko Takacs said Hungarian institutes abroad needed to be more pro-active in promoting Hungarian cinemas in their respective countries. They needed to organise screenings at festivals and expand their DVD collection of Hungarian films available for rent.
    Jakab Laszlo Orsos of the Hungarian Cultural Institute in New York said Hungary should follow the Romanian example and create selections of films from the past 4-5 years grouped along the lines of common themes.
    Executive director of the Hungarian Film Union Eva Vezer said in order to attract more interest in Hungarian films abroad, their "typically Hungarian" features must be emphasised.