High Hopes For Hungary's Film Industry


István Szabó and Miklós Szinetár

Szabó conceded he earlier thought Hungary's film industry could not survive. But the recent construction of new and modern studios, as well as a special tax break for films recently introduced by the government, have brought more international productions to Hungary, offering hope for the country's filmmaking profession, he said at an event on the rooftop terrace of the WestEnd City Center, which is hosting the Space-Film-Music Festival. Szabó said the film profession requires the support of the community or many talented professionals will be forced to switch careers.


István Szabó

Kossuth Prize-winning director Miklós Szinetár, who interviewed Szabó at the event, praised the Ocsar winner for films that perfectly describe the ages in which they are set while addressing contemporary film-goers as well.

"If films like Father, The Age of Daydreaming, A Film About Love and Mephisto had not been made, nobody would know anything about Hungarian culture," he added.
Describing his art, Szabó said filmmakers face the challenge of presenting a thought or an emotion as it appears on the human face - a feat that cannot be expressed with any other medium. In spite of all technological advances, this remains the basic question of film: can the camera make the viewer feel compassion or respect for a face that cannot be touched, Szabó said.
Space-Film-Music Festival organisers presented Szabó - who turned 70 earlier this year - with cake and presents at the event, which was attended by several hundred people.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: László Beliczay (MTI)