Hiller Inaugurates Renovated Hungarian Academy in Rome


The Hungarian Academy in Rome is located in the Falconieri Palace in the capital's Via Giulián. The building, many parts of which were designed by Borromini in the 17th Century, is the Republic of Hungary's most valuable piece of foreign real estate by far.
The HUF 200 million renovation of the palace started in 2004.
Hiller's Italian counterpart Giuseppe Proietti expressed his appreciation at the ceremony for the Hungarian Academy's decades of work to strengthen the cultural ties between Italy and Hungary. He also praised Hungary's efforts to restore the entire Falconieri Palace to its former glory.
During his official visit to Rome, Hiller also met with the city's mayor Walter Veltroni, to whom he presented the Pro Cultura Hungarica medal for his support of the Hungarian Academy in Rome.
Hiller also signed an agreement with State Secretary at Italy's Ministry of Culture Danielle Gattegno Mazzonis on Hungarian-Italian film co-productions, allowing them to avail of all tax breaks introduced in the 2004 Film Act.
Hiller said he hoped more Italian-Hungarian co-productions would be made in the future thanks to a film industry cooperation agreement signed between the two countries in 1982.
Mazzonis said Italy aimed to sign similar agreements with Croatia and Slovenia, creating even more opportunity for the region's film industry.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)