Hiller Inducts New Management at Opera


Hiller appointed Balázs Kovalik Musical Director and János Kovács First Conductor.
Hiller said the new appointments would provide a long-term solution to the opera's position.
"I would like for everybody who watches the Hungarian State Opera to speak about the productions and the (company's) artistic performance, and not about which decisions and restructuring are taking place. That was my goal, when, a year ago, I made decisions on staff," Hiller said.
Improvements in the company's chamber opera performances will be of special importance in the future, Hiller said. He added that he wished to see the opera's foreign ties built upon and expanded.
The Hungarian State Opera will be the recipient of HUF 5.3 billion in state funding in 2007-2010, Hiller said.
Fischer said the long-term strategy of the opera is already being worked out. He added that the company would hold 281 performances next year, of which 41 would take place at the Thália Theatre.
The Erkel Theatre will close this year, but reopen, according to plan, in 2010, Fischer said.
Kovalik also stressed the importance of planning for the future. "It isn't enough to bask in the success of today. Unfortunately, the audience will age, and a new audience has to be found, otherwise there will be nobody to perform for," he said.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)