Hiller Meets With Korean Commissioner


 István Hiller

Hungary and the Republic of Korea are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries this year. To mark the anniversary, the Korean National Dance Ensemble will bring a piece called Korean Fantasia on a tour of Hungary, and members of Budapest's Liszt Music Academy will perform in several Korean cities between November 11 and 16. Korea's Kodály Society will organise several symposia within the framework of the anniversary celebrations.

After the talks, the Korean delegation watched the production Korean Fantasia, in which 33 dancers show a cross-section of traditional Korean dance, in the Vígszínház. The piece has been seen all over the world, from Jerusalem to Melbourne, from Berlin to Hong Kong, since its premiere in 2001.
The Hungarian performance of Korean Fantasia is supported by Hungary's Ministry of Education and Culture, Korea's Culture, Sport and Tourism Ministry, the Vígszínház, the Korean National Theatre, the Korean ambassador in Hungary, Samsung Electronics, Hankook Tire, LG Electronics and KIA Motors.
Photo: Eszter Gordon