Hiller Meets With Pécs Mayor


Tasnádi said four of the five projects would be carried out according to the original plans, but the site of the fifth project - a big exhibition hall - might be changed. Archaeological finds at the site and the needs of the Pécs bishop, whose seat is next to the site, present too much risk, he said.

Tasnádi said a decision on implementing the investments had been reached with Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Gordon Bajnai. He added that he agreed with the government that appointing a government commissioner to oversee the preparations for 2010 would be unnecessary.

Hiller said he reached agreements with Tasnádi on all of the big questions related to preparations for 2010. Programmes planned this year alone will get HUF 300m in support from the ministry, he said.

Tasnádi added that the city of Pécs would put up HUF 150m of its own money toward programmes this year as well.
Among the projects planned for 2008 in Pécs are a Balkan music festival and a film about the life and work of Vilmos Zsolnay, the founder of one of Hungary's greatest porcelain factories, Hiller said.
Other programmes include the regular annual National Theatre Conference and the local film festival, Tasnádi said.
Within ten days, the ministry will appoint an artistic advisor, whose task will be to prepare a conceptualization of the cultural programme for 2010, Hiller said. The conceptualization will be presented first to the local council of Pécs, then to the ministry.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photos: MTI