Hiller Signs Agreement With Yad Vashem



Hiller told the Hungarian News Agency (MTI) in a telephone interview that, starting in 2007, an annual 40-50 Hungarian teachers of history and Hungarian language would be sent to Israel on week-long study trips in order to learn about the methods of Holocaust research and the latest results they have yielded at Yad Vashem.

In addition to teachers, the programme will also be open to journalists, Hiller noted.
The agreement signed by Hiller also aims to deepen the cooperation between Yad Vashem and Budapest's Holocaust Memorial Center, opened in 2004.
Participating at the signing ceremony were Tomy Lapid, the chairman of the Yad Vashem Council, and Juli Tami, Israel's Minister of Education.
During his visit, Hiller held talks in the Knesset, meeting Minister of Defence Amir Peretz, the president of Israel's Workers' Party and the chairman of the Knesset's Education Committee. Hiller also met with several artists and scholars with Hungarian connections.