Hiller Signs Contract for Music Academy Grant


István Hiller and András Batta

The funding will go to a project entitled Liszt Music Academy, a Centre for the Renewal of European Higher Music Education in Budapest.

Among the plans that are part of the project is the construction of a new educational facility in Wesselényi Street, near to the academy, and the restoration of the Grand Hall in the academy's main building to its former glory, said Batta.
The renovation of the academy's building in Wesselényi Street is expected to start in the spring. The renovation of the Grand Hall will begin in the second half of 2009. By the end of 2011, students, teachers and visitors can expect an entirely new musical centre.
Hiller praised the academy as a great pride of Hungarian culture, an institution that acknowledges the past and nurtures tradition while at the same time remaining open to that which is new.
"The Music Academy is not just a matter for Budapest, but for all Hungarian lovers of music," said Balázs Mosonyi, the director of the office that oversees regional development programmes.
European Union funding will cover HUF 9.7 billion of the HUF 10.8 billion subsidy for the academy. Central budget monies will cover the rest.

Author: Éva Kelemen / Photo: Eszter Gordon