Hundred Member Gypsy Orchestra to Play on Same Bill as Elton John



The Roma Carnival will feature for the first time together Caramel and Laci Gáspár, singing old favourites and new material accompanied by the Hundred Member Gypsy Orchestra.

The orchestra's honorary director Lajos Boross and cimbalom virtuoso Oszkár Ökrös have prepared a special programme for the event.
Others slated to perform at the Roma Carnival are the renowned singer Margit Bangó, the Rajkó Orchestra, the Nádor Quartet, the violinist Zoltán Mága, Caffe Latino, the Váradi Roma Café, the Black Eyes with Guszti Bódi, the Romencok Gypsy Dance Group and the traditional Gypsy singer Mónika Rigó.
The Hundred Member Gypsy Orchestra was formed in 1985 and has given more than a thousand performances since. In addition to Hungary, the orchestra has played in cities in other European countries as well as Asia, America and Australia. The orchestra's repertoire includes works by such well known composers as Liszt, Bartók, Kodály,
Brahms and Strauss.