Hungarian Academy in Rome Shows Contemporary Art


Director of the Modern Art Museum of Saint Etienne Loránd Hegyi, the curator of the exhibition in Rome, said he had collected works from all five continents, including paintings, graphic art, sculptures, installations and videos.
Ten drawings by the Hungarian painter and graphic artist László Révész show everyday objects that bring to life a personal history, while miniature paintings by the Hungarian, Katalin Szil, show birds and ping pong balls in flight, representations of chance encounters, Hegyi said.

László Révész's work
The exhibition is based on a theory by two French philosophers, Emanuel Levinas and Jean-Francois Lyotard, according to which fragility is a sign of openness and an acknowledgement of reality, not weakness.
Dániel Pócs of the Academy in Rome said the renowned Italian art publisher Skira prepared the catalogue for the exhibition. The cover shows a graphic work by Francoise Petrovitsch of a man with rose petals growing out of his back like wings holding a large leaf.
The exhibition will run until November 7.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)