Hungarian Actor Interprets at Chinese Guest Performance


?I?ve had the fortune to visit Asia several times,? Rudolf said commenting on his relationship to the East.
 ?As a result, beyond film experiences, I could personally immerse myself in that world, which is rather unusual for us,? he added.
?I?ve always been interested in the road that we have to travel in order to learn about each other?s cultures. A poem by Ady can be a stirring experience for anyone but without certain background knowledge, some of its references will obviously have a less powerful or different effect. It is therefore everyone?s task to remain curious and open. We must not lose the diversity of the world,? Rudolf said.
?Globalisation certainly has its advantages, but it also poses a great danger when local characteristics get dissolved into a mix. I am very concerned seeing the excessive influence of Western civilisation and the Americanisation of the Far East. Every nation and region should preserve its characteristics and next to that, we should learn to adapt and listen to each other,? he added.
?It is easy to understand that I did not think for long whether I should accept the invitation of the Opera House. I was much impressed by the images advertising the performance and I am looking forward with anticipation to the acrobatic elements. Of course I also have some fear. To stand alone on that huge stage and read out the text carries some risk. I am hoping that the audience will be driven by the same curiosity as I am,? he said.
?The text includes some important and exciting information. Szabolcs Molnár?s words help us find our way in a system of signs and story that?s unknown to us. I will appear on the stage twice during the performance of Red Rock. First, I will introduce the company of the Beijing Theatre and then the story of the opera. It is a worthy task. My colleagues, as it will show in the introductory text, approach this play with exceptional humility and devote their whole life to this special genre. Actors, acrobats and singers work together. I am glad that I can be involved in this evening,? he added.
The music for the traditional Chinese opera Red Rock was composed by Zhu Shaoyu, one of China?s best-known composers who combined the motifs of traditional Chinese opera, ancient Far-Eastern folk music and Western music. The director Zhang Jigang, who directed the opening and closing ceremonies at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, and his team of renowned Chinese costume, set and visual designers, have built an exceptionally colourful stage for the opera.