Hungarian Animated Short to Compete at Berlinale



The 7-minute film, drawn with coal, recounts the story of Péter Mansfeld, who was charged with participating in the 1956 Hungarian Revolution when he was just 16 years old, then executed just a few days after his eighteenth birthday.

Szilágyi Varga was born in Transylvania and completed his studies in Târgu Mure, Cluj-Napoca, and Bucharest. His graphic works have been exhibited in Hungary and abroad, and his films have been shown to acclaim at film festivals around the world. Szilágyi Varga's films include Gordiuszi csomó (Gordian Knot, 1980), Aréna (Arena, 1982), Monológ (Monologue, 1983), Tiszta kép (Clear Image, 1988), Éjszakai kultrúrtörténeti hadgyakorlat (Overnight Cultural History Mission, 1992), Utazás a Föld középpontja felé (Journey to the Centre of the Earth, 2001), Koan / Ne beszélj! (Koan / Don't Speak!, 2004) and A világlátott egérke (The Cosmopolitan Mouse, 2005)