Hungarian Architects Foster Connections With Asia


An agreement on establishing a memorial room for the Hungarian architect László Hudec in Shanghai is expected to be signed by the end of July, and negotiations have already taken place on converting the Hudec Villa into a Hungarian cultural centre.
Hudec designed more than a hundred buildings in Shanghai, among them the Park Hotel and the former American Club. He was born in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, in 1893, when the city was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He studied architecture in Budapest from 1911 until 1914, then enlisted at the beginning of WWI. Hudec was captured by the Russians in 1916 and sent to a prison camp in Siberia. On his way to the camp he jumped from a train near the Chinese border and made his way to Shanghai, where he put his architectural training to work, first for an American firm, then for his own.
 The head of the Chinese Association of Architects will visit Hungary on August 10-15, when the possible role of Hungarian architects in big Chinese investments will be the focus of talks.
The 24th World Congress of Architecture will take place in Tokyo between September 25 and October 1. MÉSZ will send a delegation of eight to the professional meeting.
MÉSZ will be a guest of honour at the 6th International Architecture Expo to start in Beijing on October 20. This year, the expo will also travel to other big cities in China.
MÉSZ will later be represented at an expo in Prague showcasing professionals from the Visegrad Four ? Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)