Hungarian Architects Among Winners of EUROPAN 11


The group?s submission to rehabilitate the area around a former power plant in the Hungarian city of Szeged was the best among dozens of entries from teams in Hungary and abroad.
The EUROPAN 11 competition, which challenged teams with 49 sites, focused on the combining urban and natural fabrics and made densification, accessibility and connection priorities. The contests required designs that had the capacity to evolve and that incorporated contextual diversity.
?The winning project emphasizes the landscape and green quality of the site that arises from the size of the plot and from the extraordinary qualities inside the project area, but creates a strong image of built environment and social space as well. The project itself has to be understood rather as a statement which creates a new quality of landscape and public spaces inside the area,? the jury said in its assessment of Red Balloon?s submission.
?The jury recommends the site owner and the municipality to find a way of developing the winning project,? it added.
Szeged chief architect Éva Fehér said 44 plans for the site were received, many from young Hungarian architects.
Red Balloon comprises the architects Tamás Kun, Tamás Mezey and Álmos Gergely.
Mezey, who comes from Szeged, said the group wanted to approach the area as a block, managing it in a complex way. An ?intelligent wall? stands on two sides of the area, protecting a green area in the centre from the sounds of the city.
The EUROPAN competition takes place every two years.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)