Hungarian Artist Shows in Amsterdam


The contemporary visual artist?s show, organised by TCH Art Consulting, will be opened by Hungarian ambassador in The Netherlands Gyula Sümeghy on June 12. The event will also be attended by cabinet chief at the Budapest City Council Balázs Szeneczey and representative of the Amsterdam city council Marijn Ornstein.
Diverse Dutch-Hungarian economic links have generated interest in cultural cooperation between the two countries. Amsterdam city leaders want to introduce the residents of city to the artistic life of Budapest and the organisers of the exhibition wish to further strengthen the partner city links between Budapest and Amsterdam.
Fürjesi has exhibited his works in Hungary and abroad for two decades. He has also headed an international art camp in the Hungarian village of Cered for 17 years.
The opening ceremony in Amsterdam will feature jazz interpretations of Hungarian folk songs by the Márta Horváth Trio and the Sümegi and Sons Wine Cellars will offer a tasting of wines from the Hajós-Baja region.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)