Hungarian Artists Show in Berlin on Occasion of Biennale


 The Planet as the Festival
The CHB?s Moholy-Nagy Gallery is showing an exhibition entitled The Planet as the Festival by the Hungarian-German group of artists known as Khimaira.
?The openly structured environment of?Khimaira reflects on the ecological theories of the 21st century and thematises the relationship between humankind and the environment.? CHB says of the show.
?The interactive installation explores the methods and possibilities of an environmentally-friendly art and offers an invitation to play and experiment. Visitors can try out the objects and thus become of the part of the exhibition.?
The CHB is also hosting an installation by Ádám Albert based on the model of ?perspective cabinets? made by Dutch artists in the 17th century.
?In the exhibition?Goethe and Humboldt meet again, but in an entirely different manner as in the 2003 novel Measuring the World by Daniel Kehlmann. This time, the meeting is presented as part of a series of free associations and the object of a complex installation that takes up the entire exhibition space,? Dávid Fehér writes of Never Take a Trip Alone.
The Planet as the Festival and Never Take a Trip Alone can be seen until June 3.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)