Hungarian Cellist Appointed Professor at Karlsruhe Academy


?Because I have given master courses at the academy in the past, news of my appointment spread quickly and seven students have already applied for my course,? said Fenyő.
?The academy has a good reputation, not only in Germany but throughout Europe, and my predecessor there was the famous cellist Martin Ostertarg. In addition to being an excellent teacher, he worked in various foundations that rented out musical instruments or gave bows to deserving students. I plan to gradually take over these tasks, as well,? he added.
 ?I used to always say that teaching would come sometime later in my career but then five years ago, a young Italian cellist contacted me and asked me for lessons. I went along with it, even though I had not idea how to teach, but we tried it anyway. And after two months of intensive work, the young guy applied for and won a post in the Accademia di Santa Cecilia Orchestra, which had been his dream,? Fenyő said.
?I was still not thinking of teaching at that time but then another young man I trained got a job at the SWR Orchestra. At the time Ostertag was their soloist cellist and my student won ahead of his students, which made me think?and that?s how I got started teaching,? he added.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)