Hungarian, Chinese Arts Centres Form Cooperation


MUPA chief executive Csaba Káel said MUPA was only the third arts centre after the Seoul Arts Centre and the Kennedy Center in Washington to sign a cooperation agreement with the NCPA. There can be no diplomacy without culture, he added.
Káel recently returned from meetings of international performing arts professionals in Beijing and Shanghai. The meetings resulted in plans for a joint production with partners in Shanghai to mark the Verdi anniversary in 2013 and a series of events at the NCPA with the working title Hungary in Focus.
NCPA chairman Chen Ping said performances of the Beijing National Grand Theatre at the Hungarian State Opera on Wednesday and Thursday were well received, ending with five curtain calls. He added that this was proof Hungarian audiences were no strangers to the type of opera performed by the Beijing company.
The 150-member Chinese troupe came to Budapest after performing at the Burgtheater in Vienna. They will perform in Prague on the next leg of their tour.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI