Hungarian Cities Host Estonian Week Festival


The festival will feature Estonian film, theatre, literature, exhibitions and gastronomy.

Seven feature films and documentaries, many shorts and animated films, a literary reading, a guest performance by the Ugala theatre from Estonia - with Hungarian supertitles - and daily changing selections of Estonian dishes will be offered at three venues in Budapest: the Toldi Cinema, the Merlin Theatre and M, a restaurant in Budapest's Kertész Street. The Agora-Savaria Film Theatre in Szombathely and the Hungarian Linguistic Institute in Debrecen will host additional events during the festival.
On the film programme will be Disco and Nuclear War, which won the main award for documentaries at last year's Warsaw International Film Festival. The humorous film is about the effects of Finnish television broadcasts that were only secretly available in Estonia during the Soviet times. The film's director Jaak Kilmi will attend the Hungarians screenings.
Another festival guest will be Mart Müürisepp, who plays the protagonist in the film Vasha.  
The drama Bank Robbery is worth watching not only because it was a big hit on the festival circuit, but also because it features a Hungarian actor: Zoltán Asszonyi.
To see the festival programme visit