Hungarian composer Eotvos wins Venice Golden Lion


(MTI) - The composer will be asked to bring a rich concert programme to the Biennale's opening ceremony on September 24.

Peter Eotvos told MTI he planned to perform with the SWR Symphony Orchestra. The programme will start with Bartok's Dance Suite, to be followed by Eotvos's piano concerto for two grand pianos entitled CAP-KO, which he dedicated to Bartok. The next piece is the viola concerto Replica by Eotvos and the evening is to close with Stravinsky's Agon.
"I am naturally very happy to have been awarded this prize," he told MTI.
The Golden Lion Lifetime Achievement award was last presented to a Hungarian, Gyorgy Kurtag, in 2009.
From Venice, Eotvos will go on to Strasbourg to perform his "SCHILLER: energische Schoenheit", a piece about Schiller's philosophical ideas of the aesthetic education of man.
In mid-June, Eotvos held the debut of his Cello concerto with Hungarian soloist Miklos Perenyi and the Berlin Philharmonics in Berlin, a performance to be repeated in Zurich in October.