Hungarian Composer Takes Work to Japan


Márton Illés

?If a 34-year-old composer has 3-4 pieces that have been performed more than five times in concert halls around the world, that is a serious accomplishment,? Márton Illés told the Hungarian News Agency.

But the young composer?s oeuvre is not closed yet. He even concedes readiness to rework some of his earlier pieces.
Illés treats his pieces as children that are sometimes in need of a little extra help, be it during rehearsals or at any other time before the performance.
Illés?s pieces were performed about 25 times last year, and the composer was able to attend 15 of the concerts. But Japan could hold surprises as Illés has little first-hand knowledge of the musical traditions there.
The average Japanese citizen knows his way around the area of ?high culture? better than in Hungary which creates greater opportunity for younger composers, Illés said.
Illés does not accept every commission, and not only because he composes only 2-3 pieces a year. He demands complete artistic freedom and requires that his pieces be performed under appropriate circumstances. He once wrote a piece free of charge for an acquaintance studying in Vienna only so the musician could have the right exam piece.
Illés plans premieres of new pieces in February and September of next year.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI/EPA