Hungarian Cultural Centre Celebrates With Rosehill Theatre


Gábor Csalog

The pianist Gábor Csalog and cellist Pál Banda will perform works by Bach, Kodály and Brahms on September 3.

On the following evening, Thomas Messel, the nephew of Oliver Messel, the designer who created sets for the Royal Ballet as well as for Hollywood productions, a suite in London's Dorchester Hotel and the interiors of many homes of the rich and famous in the Caribbean, will speak about the work of his uncle. The event includes dinner and a glass of wine.
On Saturday, the world-renowned violinist and patron of the Rosehill Theatre Nigel Kennedy will perform with Hungary's Rátonyi-Csepregi Duo on piano and saxophone.
On Sunday, Landermason, the Rosehill Players, the Rosehill Youth Theatre and other local theatre groups will put on performances for families.