Hungarian Cultural Centre London Celebrates 10th Anniversary


György Vukán

On the musical programme are concerts by the jazz musicians György Vukán and Lőrinc Barabás as well as the violist Enikő Magyar and the pianist and conductor Tamás Vásáry.

The Transport Museum will host a talk on the Hungarian city of Pécs's European Capital of Culture programme for 2010. Among the participants will be Sir Bob Scott, a member of European Capital of Culture 2010 programme supervisory board and an instrumental figure in making Liverpool a European Capital of Culture in 2008. The talk will be moderated by Edwin Heathcote, arts and architecture critic of The Financial Times.
On Sunday, the Hungarian Cultural Centre will be transformed into a literary salon with the participation of the authors László István G, Anna T. Szabó and Ágnes Lehóczky, as well as the translator and editor George Szirtes. They will launch a new anthology of poetry entitled New Order.
Some of the best Hungarian cuisine and fine wine from the Gere wine cellars will be available to visitors.
The Transport Museum will showcase Hungary's Ikarus bus factory, and an old Ikarus 66 will be on display in Covent Garden.
Photo: MTI