Hungarian Culture Institute L.A. Shows Szenes Film


Roberta Grossman's documentary, which made its debut at the 19th Jewish Film Festival in Washington in December of last year, premiered at the Beverly Hills Music Hall last weekend. Thanks to support from the Hungarian Consulate, the 90-minute documentary will show in Los Angeles for a week, after which it will be shown in other U.S. cities.

Grossman used material from the Szenes family archives for the film as well as interviews with people who knew the young Szenes.
Szenes was one of 17 Hungarian Jews living in Palestine who were trained by the British army to parachute into Yugoslavia during the Second World War in order to help save the Jews of Hungary, who were being sent to the concentration camps. Szenes was arrested at the Hungarian border, imprisoned and tortured. But she refused to reveal the details of her mission. She was executed by firing squad on November 7, 1944, when she was just 23 years old.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)