Hungarian Diplomatic Missions in US Mark Wallenberg Year


Raoul Wallenberg
The Hungarian Embassy in Washington will organise a wreath-laying ceremony at the Wallenberg statue in the United States Capitol on April 16. Ambassador György Szapáry and Lantos Foundation head Annette Lantos, will participate at the ceremony which is part of Hungarian Holocaust Remembrance Month.
On the same day, the Hungarian Consulate in New York will host a concert by the folk ensemble Muzsikas. Consul General Károly Dán, Israeli Consul General Ido Aharoni and the city?s Museum of Jewish Heritage are the patrons of the concert.
The two diplomats will attend a memorial service for Wallenberg at Manhattan's Park East Synagogue two days later.
The Hungarian Embassy in Washington, DC, will host a conference on Wallenberg on April 17. Wallenberg biographer and journalist Kati Marton and the director of the Committee on Conscience at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Michael Abramowitz will speak at the event.
The Hungarian Consulate in Los Angeles will host a memorial event on April 24. Andrew Steven, who helped Wallenberg by forging identification documents, will participate.
The Hungarian Consulate in Los Angeles has co-organised a conference with the local Mensch Foundation, and an exhibition on Wallenberg is under preparation in the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust.
The embassy in Washington will host a lecture by Ferenc Katona, a researcher at the Holocaust Memorial Museum of Washington on April 26.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)