Hungarian Film Critic Named FIPRESCI VP


Kárpáti will share the position with Alin Tasciyan from Turkey, who was reappointed by the general meeting. FIPRESCI members from 50 countries also re-elected Jean Roy from France as president.
The mandates of the president and vice presidents are for two years but can be renewed once.
Kárpáti called the appointment, which is unpaid, ?an enormous diplomatic honour?. He added that it was an acknowledgment of the active participation of FIPRESCI?s Hungarian section in the professional association.
Just one other Hungarian has been among FIPRESCI?s top management: Ervin Gyertyán, who was vice president from 1977 until 1981, then president from 1981 until 1985.
Kárpáti, who is in charge of FIPRESCI?s website, said it was important to reinforce different channels of communications.
?Watching films with a critical eye is important, as is establishing an aesthetic demand with regard to film consumption among the younger generation,? said Kárpáti, who also teaches at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)