Hungarian Film Posters Shown in US


The posters are for mostly US films, silent and ?talkies?, shown between 1912 and 1945. It was common during the period for films to be given just one screening at a single cinema, so the posters were printed in small numbers, with just 5-10 copies made. Because of the scarcity of paper, most of the posters were recycled. Only through the efforts of a few collectors did some of the poster remain intact.

The poster contain little text, but captivate with their colour and sharp images, drawing potential film-goers by showing the gist of the plot of a black-and-white film.

The exhibition, entitled ?The Golden Age of Hungarian Film Posters? is being shown as part of a film retrospective at Lincoln Center called ?Resistance and Rebirth: Hungarian Cinema 50 Years after '56?. It shows some 200 posters, many reproduced in a volume also called 'The Golden Age of the Hungarian Film Posters?, which won the ?Best Artbook of Hungary? prize in 2004.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)